Dublin Cultural Institute (DCI) (Dublin Cultural Institute (DCI))
General English AM
15 hours per week 3 MonthsCastleforbes College
General English Morning
15 hours per week 3 MonthsELI (English Language Institute) - Dublin
General English - (GE15) (Morning)
15 hours per week 3 MonthsEnglishour
General English (AM15)
15 hours per week 3 MonthsDelfin English School
General English Morning
15 hours per week 3 MonthsDelfin English School
Exam Preparation IELTS/Cambridge Morning
15 hours per week 3 MonthsThe International School of English - Dublin (The International School of English)
General English 15 (AM)
15 hours per week 3 MonthsCastleforbes College
General English Morning + Conversation Class
20 hours per week 3 MonthsICOT - Dublin
General English Non EU AM
15 hours per week 3 MonthsIBAT College
General English (GE15) (Morning)
15 hours per week 3 MonthsIBAT College
Cambridge Exam Preparation AM
15 hours per week 3 MonthsIBAT College
IELTS Exam Preparation AM
15 hours per week 3 MonthsELI (English Language Institute) - Dublin
General English - (GE20) (Morning)
20 hours per week 3 MonthsErin School of English - Dublin
General English + IELTS/Cambridge AM
15 hours per week 3 MonthsDelfin English School
General English Plus Morning
20 hours per week 3 MonthsEverest Language School
General English Morning
20 hours per week 3 MonthsSwan English Language Training
General English - AM
20 hours per week 3 MonthsSwan English Language Training
IELTS Exam Preparation
20 hours per week 3 MonthsICE (Irish College of English)
General English 15
15 hours per week 3 MonthsDelfin English School
Business English Morning
20 hours per week 3 MonthsInternational House Dublin
General English 15 hours AM
16 hours per week 3 MonthsBabel Academy of English - Dublin (Babel Academy of English)
English for Life AM
15 hours per week 3 MonthsInternational House Dublin
General English 20 hours AM
20 hours per week 3 MonthsISI Dublin
General English 15
15 hours per week 3 MonthsEverest Language School
Intensive Exam Preparation/General English
26 hours per week 3 MonthsGriffith College - Dublin
General English
20 hours per week 3 MonthsThe Horner School of English (Horner School of English)
General English (GE20)
20 hours per week 3 MonthsCastleforbes College
General English Intensive
30 hours per week 3 MonthsICE (Irish College of English)
General English 20
20 hours per week 3 MonthsCES (Centre of English Studies)
Standard IELTS Preparation Course
20 hours per week 3 MonthsCES (Centre of English Studies)
Standard General English
20 hours per week 3 MonthsThe International School of English - Dublin (The International School of English)
Intensive General English 30h (AM + PM)
30 hours per week 3 MonthsThe Linguaviva Centre
General English - (GE20) (Morning)
15 hours per week 3 MonthsSwan English Language Training
Semi-intensive - AM+PM
30 hours per week 3 MonthsAtlas Language School
General English - (GE20) (Morning)
20 hours per week 3 MonthsDelfin English School
General English Intensive
30 hours per week 3 MonthsAtlas Language School
Exam Preparation (FCE20/CAE20)
20 hours per week 3 MonthsAtlas Language School
Exam Preparation (IELTS20)
20 hours per week 3 MonthsATC Language Schools (Dublin)
General English - (GE20)
20 hours per week 3 MonthsTwin English Centre
General English - Standard AM
15 hours per week 3 MonthsISI Dublin
General English 20
20 hours per week 3 MonthsEmerald Cultural Institute
Intensive English
20 hours per week 3 MonthsEmerald Cultural Institute
Cambridge Course/Full-Time IELTS Course
20 hours per week 3 MonthsDCU International Academy
General English
20 hours per week 3 MonthsThe Linguaviva Centre
English for Communication (Morning)
24 hours per week 3 MonthsAtlas Language School
GE Fluency Plus (GE26)
26 hours per week 3 MonthsTwin English Centre
General English + IELTS - Intensive
21 hours per week 3 MonthsTwin English Centre
General English + English for Careers - Intensive
21 hours per week 3 MonthsTwin English Centre
General English + Communication Skills - Intensive
21 hours per week 3 MonthsCES (Centre of English Studies)
Intensive General English
26 hours per week 3 MonthsCES (Centre of English Studies)
Intensive IELTS Preparation Course
26 hours per week 3 MonthsEC Dublin
Exam Preparation IELTS
15 hours per week 3 MonthsEC Dublin
General English 20
15 hours per week 3 MonthsEC Dublin
General English 26 (30+)
20 hours per week 3 MonthsATC Language Schools (Dublin)
Intensive English - (IE26)
26 hours per week 3 MonthsEmerald Cultural Institute
Intensive Plus Speaking Skills
26 hours per week 3 MonthsEC Dublin
General English 30
23 hours per week 3 MonthsEmerald Cultural Institute
Intensive Plus Business
26 hours per week 3 MonthsTwin English Centre